ENG 130 Module Two 2



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Feb 20, 2024





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ENG 130 Module Two Written Response Template Audience Understanding Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Selected text you will use for your project: The text I have chosen is “Take a Break” by Nicole Peluse published on June 14, 2010, by the Hudson Valley Business Journal. Identify an audience for your project: The primary audience of the text I will use for the project will be seniors/older adults. The text specifically mentions that seniors may have stress and may not realize the source or how to manage it. It also provides tips and resources tailored to seniors, such as engaging with family, friends, or neighbors on social levels, seeking support groups and adult day care, and utilizing home care agency services. Identify a second audience for your project: A second audience I will be using for the project will be family members of older adults/ seniors in the caregiving process. The article acknowledges the importance of family members in the caregiving process and offers suggestions to help them provide the best care possible. Describe the writing situation for your project: The purpose of the writing is to raise awareness about the impact of stress on our lives and provide practical tips for managing stress. I think the overall message of the writing is that taking care of oneself and reducing stress is essential for overall health and the ability to positively impact those around us. Explain why each audience is appropriate for the content and writing situation: The content and writing situation are appropriate for both seniors and family members because they both play a significant role in managing stress and promoting overall well-being. For seniors, they often experience stress but do not always recognize its source or know how to manage it effectively. The article acknowledges this and emphasizes the importance of seniors acknowledging and addressing their stress levels. Family members, understanding the signs of stress is important for family members to be able to identify if their loved ones are experiencing stress-related health issues. The article encourages family members to seek help and utilize available resources such as support groups and adult day care to support the well-being of both them and the seniors they care for.
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