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Electrical Engineering


Apr 3, 2024





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Name : Ethan Gruening Lab Section: 6 CprE 288 Fall 2023 – Homework 1 (50 points) Due Sun. August 27 (on Canvas by midnight: 11:59pm) Notes: Homework must be typed and submitted as a PDF or Word Document (i.e. .doc or .docx) only. If collaborating with others, you must document who you collaborate with, and specify in what way you collaborated (see last page of homework assignment) , review the homework policy section of the syllabus: http://class.ece.iastate.edu/cpre288/syllabus.asp for further details. Review University policy relating to the integrity of scholarship. See (“Academic Dishonesty”): http://catalog.iastate.edu/academic_conduct/#academicdishonestytext Late homework is accepted within two days from the due date. Late penalty is 10% per day. Note: On Exam weeks no late homework is accepted . Note: Code that will not compile is a typo. Answering a question as “will not compile” will be marked incorrect . Contact the Professor if you think you have found a typo. Note: Unless otherwise specified, all problems assume the TM4C123 is being used Question 1: The purpose of this question is to refresh your understanding of numeric representation from the prerequisite courses. Complete the table below. Assume ASCII encoding of characters, and a 2’s complement encoding of negative numbers. Recall what you have learned about 2’s complement encoding from other courses. When representing a number in hexadecimal or binary, use the proper number of digits for the TM4C123 architecture (depends on type of variable). The first row has been completed for you. Value of x x (decimal) x (hex) x (binary) signed char x = 60; 60 0x3c 0b00111100 unsigned char x = 'S'; 83 unsigned char x = '8'; 56 short x = 0xEECE; signed char x = 0b00111001; unsigned short x = 0x2050 + 0x2041; signed char x = 0x8 + 4; signed char x = 0x68 / 8; signed short x = -1; signed char x = 20; 20 signed char x = -128;
Name : Ethan Gruening Lab Section: 6 Question 2 Embedded Applications: a) Give four appliances/products, with an embedded-processor, you use in daily life The Cyride, cell phones, smart watches, and air conditioners b) Find an article on an embedded system application you are interested. i) Properly cite the articles that you use to obtain your information to receive credit. For proper formatting, see the IEEE citation reference manual: https://ieee-dataport.org/sites/default/files/analysis/27/IEEE%20Citation%20Guidelines.pdf . Note, while Wikipedia is discouraged for citations used within published academic papers, it can be useful for obtaining an overview on a topic. If you use a Wikipedia article, then use this guide for properly citing your “source”: http://www.wikihow.com/Cite-a-Wikipedia-Article-in-MLA-Format https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v4i3/SUB151747.pdf K.Y. Rokde and M. J. Hedau, “An Embedded System for Power Saving Of Street Light Controller,” International Journal of Science and Research , vol. 4, iss. 3, p. 142-144, March 2p15. [SUB141747]. Available: https://www.ijsr.net/archive/v4i3/SUB151747.pdf . [Accessed Aug. 23, 2023]. ii) Give a brief description of the application. This application tracks movement of vehicles on highways and will switch street lights on and off depending on if there are drivers nearing the intersection to conserve energy. iii) What needs does the User(s) have? The users are the taxpayers paying for the transportation services and they needs to be provided a low-taxed service for their road systems. The users are also the drivers on the highway and need effective, safe, and reliable systems to dictate traffic flow. iv) How does the application help meet the Users’ needs?
Name : Ethan Gruening Lab Section: 6 This application monitors the roads with several microcontrollers and sensors to decide whether or not it is safe and cost-efficient to turn the street lights off while there is zero traffic. This meets the users’ needs by continuing to provide a safe traffic system, conserving energy and reducing costs of maintaining intersections and highways. Question 3: Review Basics a. Fill in the units? ms 10 -3 seconds (answer given) µ s 10 -6 seconds ns 10 -9 seconds KB 2 10 Bytes MB 2 20 Bytes GB 2 30 Bytes kHz 10 3 Hz MHz 10 6 Hz b. Period or frequency i) What is the period of a 2 MHz clock? 5 -7 seconds ii) What is the frequency of a clock with a 1 ns period? 1 kHz iii) How many positive edges of a 4 MHz clock will occur in 4 ms?
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