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Electrical Engineering


Oct 30, 2023





Uploaded by JudgeHornetPerson815

1 Planning Document Second Rough Draft Ashley Thibodeau Southern New Hampshire University SCI-200: Applied Natural Sciences Holly Toomer July 30, 2023
2 Planning Document Second Rough Draft My issue: The subject of my research pertains to oceanic dead zones, their root causes, and their impact on marine ecosystems. My focus is primarily on the seasonal dead zone within the Gulf of Mexico, which persists from spring until the end of summer. The significance of this issue is how it affects the animal and plants in the area. Some animals must relocate due to low oxygen levels. Unfortunately, some die. Additionally, plant life is impacted, making it challenging to thrive. This could lead to the extinction of certain marine life, causing a chain reaction in the entire ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico. My question: What are some of the main factors contributing to the Gulf of Mexico becoming one of the largest dead zones in the ocean, and what can be done to mitigate this issue? My science resources: 1. My first source is "Larger-than-average dead zone forecast for Gulf of Mexico in summer 2020." I chose this source because it is relevant and credible to my topic. It has been reviewed and published, which makes it an academic reference. I chose this source first because of the chronological timeline. It is relevant because the original was published in 2020, although other sources I have collected are more recent. It contains information pertinent to the issue. 2. My second source is "Happening Now: Dead Zone in the Gulf 2021." This source is more up-to-date than my first source and contains information about the effects of ocean dead zones and the contributions that lead to ocean dead zones. This source is from Ocean Today, part of the National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration.
3 3. My third source is "Dead Zones in the Gulf of Mexico." This source focuses on the specific area I chose to research and gives information about what dead zones are. It is more of an empirical source since it includes maps showing how and where dead zones are. My audience and message: I am targeting environmentalists interested in learning about ocean dead zones, a significant environmental issue that can significantly impact marine ecosystems. These are low-oxygen or hypoxic areas in oceans and lakes that can cause harm to marine life. The oxygen levels drop so low that few organisms can survive in such conditions. According to a Science Alert article, the number of dead zones has almost quadrupled since the 1950s, and scientists have discovered that they have been occurring regularly over the last millions of years. Dead zones happen more frequently in significant warming events like the one we're currently experiencing. Environmentalists can explore the causes and effects of dead zones and find ways to prevent or mitigate their impact. Human activities are responsible for excess nutrients being washed into the ocean, making dead zones more prevalent near inhabited coastlines. Understanding the eutrophication process is vital to understanding how and why dead zones develop. Identify principles: The release of fertilizer, manure, and other waste materials into the ocean can lead to oxygen depletion in certain areas. In the scientific discipline of ecology, a subfield of biology, researchers explore the complex interactions between living organisms and their surrounding environment. Explain principles:
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