Homework 3



Montana State University *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by gregorygilpin

Urban Economics Homework 3 – Gilpin Lecture 4 Question 1 (5 pts) Consider an office firm in a monocentric city that is deciding to locate somewhere between 0 and 5 miles from the center of the city. The labor costs is w = 60 – 6 x , where x is the distance from the city’s center to its location. The firm also incurs a labor interaction cost for workers traveling between office firms equal to n = 12 + x a where a is a number representing the agglomeration effect (and outside of the control of the firm). a. Draw a graph illustrating the labor interaction cost for values of a of 0.5, 1, and 2 between 0 and 5 miles. (1 pt) b. Based on class discussions and the course notes on agglomeration effects, which value of a is most plausible (0.5, 1, or 2). Explain. (1 pt) c. State in equation form the firm’s total cost as a function of x . Note, use your value of a chosen in b. d. Draw the firm’s total cost curve stated in c. (1 pt) e. Identify the firm’s cost-minimizing location for the office firm. (1 pt) Question 2 (5 pts) Suppose that x is the distance in miles from the center of the city and the land bid curves are: R a = 20 R r = 100 – x R f = 150 – 3x a. Compute the radius of the CBD and the city limit and then compute the land area of the CBD (a circle) and the residential area (a donut). (1 pt) Suppose that the local government decides to raise the ticket price of the subway to cover the city’s network of radial road maintenance costs. b. Which of the following is impacted by the change: R’ r = 140 – 2x or R’ r = 80 – 0.5x ? Explain. (1 pt) c. Calculate the new distance of the CBD and city limits given your answer to b. Calculate the distance at which residential home prices do not change. Call this point e . Will residential home prices be larger or smaller to the left of e . What about to the right? (1 pt) d. Graph R a , R r , R f , and R’ r . Label all relevant points. (1 pt) e. Explain what happens to the size and density of the CBD and the city as a whole. (1 pt)
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