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Computer Science


Jan 9, 2024





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Harrell 1 Jamie Harrell Southern New Hampshire University CYB 200 Patricia Austin October 6, 2022
Harrell 2 When looking into the human factor of security, there are a number of things to keep in mind. One of those things is the speed at which information changes in the digital world. Because of the fast pace of developments within the digital frontier we need to hold frequent security awareness training sessions. The National Institute of Standards and Technology or NIST recommends holding at least one annual security awareness training session. They also provide some suggestions for the length of the sessions depending on the style in which the presentation is presented. When considering the audience for our training sessions there are two categories in which we can place the attendees of our sessions. General users and specialized or advanced users. General users will be the bulk of the associates at Fizza Cola while advanced users would be members of the security and IT teams. It is important we have those separate groups, so we don’t overburden the general group with technical details not relevant to their jobs. When identifying the materials needed to cover, we can split them up according to the group they will be presented to. The general group needs to cover more basic security practices such as protecting their physical area and equipment, protecting passwords, and how and when to report a security incident. Examples include locking doors, proper storage and transporting of storage devices such as flash drives, being mindful of tailgating, creating secure and easy to remember passwords, never sharing passwords, what to do if they believe they have a virus, and how to identify a phishing email. The more advanced users would cover all the general group covered along with some additional topics. These include enforcing password policies, what to do if an employee doesn’t have their ID badge, and how to implement different access controls. During the training it is important to touch on the legal factors relating to cyber security and how as associates of Fizza Cola they are handling Fizza Cola property in the form of data. They need to be made aware of the legal aspects of not taking proper care of that data. Some additional things
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