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Computer Science


Jan 9, 2024





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CIS142 – 5.4 – Business Continuity and Disaster – Corey Adams Business continuity is a plan that a business has in place for if there is a disaster. Natural disasters, such as loss of power or loss of network, are just some of the possible disasters. Many plans include multiple files, agendas, or subsections. These plans are intended to be used in the event of an emergency. These plans are meant to protect the company and its employees. These Business Continuity Plans are the foundation for Disaster Recovery Plans. Business Continuity focuses primarily in identifying potential catastrophes. Disaster Recovery focuses more closely on the details. The specific events will determine which steps a company will follow in Disaster Recovery. In the event of power failure, backup generators must be activated. Backup generators can go out and emergency lighting can be used to safely evacuate buildings. Cloud services can refer to many things. Cloud services are available for both disaster recovery as well as on-premise services. If the service is installed on premises, the business takes responsibility for disaster recovery. This would include routine backups, as well as the cost of equipment. It is possible for the service to be hybrid. This means that there could be significant differences in the business's ability to recover their data. The company will still be responsible for any hardware or other damages that might be caused by data loss. There are many advantages to full cloud service dependence, such as data dependence and low costs of equipment. While the business will not have to worry or stress about data availability regardless of their location due to natural disasters, it is possible that businesses could be without access to their data if their cloud service provider suffers such a catastrophe. References
CIS142 – 5.4 – Business Continuity and Disaster – Corey Adams John Moore, S. J. (2022, June). What is BCDR? Business continuity and disaster recovery guide . Retrieved from TechTarget: Disaster-Recovery-BCDR Pros and Cons of Cloud vs. in-House Backup . (2022, August). Retrieved from SysGen: Wright, J. (2022, April). Five benefits of cloud-based disaster recovery . Retrieved from Plante Moran: benefits-of-cloud-based-disaster-recovery
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