ITM-301 Lab 5 Fall 2023



York University *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Computer Science


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by CorporalWolverinePerson113

ITM-301 Lab 5 Fall 2023 1. "Route" command is used to manipulate or view the routing table. "route print" shows the routing table. "route print -4" shows routing table entries with IPV4 addresses. Now, on the command prompt, type "route print -4" (take a screenshot) and answer the following: a) Which IP address is used to communicate with the Gateway? (1 point) b) Which destination network address identifies the default route, and what is the purpose of the default route? (1 point) The destination network address that identifies the default route is usually The purpose of the default route is to specify where the system should send network packets if there is no specific route for the destination IP address in the routing table. It serves as the default gateway for traffic that doesn't match any other route. c) What is meant by "On-link" in the Gateway column? (1 point) "On-link" in the Gateway column indicates that the destination for a particular route is directly reachable on the local network, and no gateway is required to reach that destination. This is often the case for local network addresses where the destination is on the same subnet, and the system can communicate directly with the destination without the need for a gateway. 2. You can use the nslookup command at the command prompt, and you will get a different prompt where you can enter further subcommands. Like "set q=NS" will set NS
as a query type, and when you type in a domain name in the next prompt, it will return the name server. So, after setting the query type to NS, if you type in the next prompt, you will get all the name server records for Other query types you can set are "MX" for mail exchange, "A" for host IP, "CNAME" for Canonical Name, and "All" for all information. a) Use appropriate commands in sequence to find the DNS server names, IP address, and mail exchange servers for the domain. Include your screenshot(s). (3 Points) b) How many mail exchange servers and nameservers does have? Include your screenshot(s). (1 Point) There are 6 mail exchange servers
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