Simulations Lab 3 ECE 200



Drexel University *

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Computer Science


Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by Tabijames

ECE-200: Digital Logic Design Laboratory Assignment 3 In this lab you will learn how to write hierarchical VHDL code . In hierarchical VHDL code, you define entities that you can then deploy as reusable components in more complex designs. This concept may be familiar to you if you have used an object oriented programming language. The basic idea is very similar to instantiating an object from a class in Python, C++, or Java, for example. Let’s look at a simple example. First, we’ll define a 2-input gate and a 2-input gate with the intention of reusing them in just a moment as components in a more complicated design. : 1 2 ( 3 A, B : ; 4 C : 5 ); 6 ; 7 8 9 ( 10 A, B : ; 11 C : 12 ); 13 ; 14 15 16 17 C <= A B; 18 ; 19 20 21 22 C <= A B; 23 ; Excellent! We now have a 2-input gate component named and a 2-input gate component named . Let’s use these to implement the following simple circuit shown in Fig. 1: W P Q X Y Z F AND2 u1 u3 u2 AND2 OR2 Fig. 1: Schematic of a simple entity that reuses our and entities. 1 Shackleford
ECE-200: Digital Logic Design Lab 3 Let’s implement the schematic shown in Fig. 1 as a new entity in our VHDL code named that has four inputs ( , , , & ) and one output ( ). The architecture for will reuse our and entities by instantiating them. We will then use signals , which you can think of as “wires,” to make connections between our and instances. (continued) : 25 26 ( 27 W, X, Y, Z : ; 28 F : 29 ); 30 ; 31 32 33 34 -- make AND2 an available component 35 36 ( 37 A, B : ; 38 C : 39 ); 40 ; 41 42 -- make OR2 an available component 43 44 ( 45 A, B : ; 46 C : 47 ); 48 ; 49 50 -- make two "wires" named P and Q 51 P, Q : ; 52 53 54 u1 : AND2 (W, X, P); -- instantiate AND2 & connect W->A, X->B, and C->P 55 u2 : AND2 (Y, Z, Q); -- instantiate AND2 & connect Y->A, Z->B, and C->Q 56 u3 : OR2 (P, Q, F); -- instantiate OR2 & connect P->A, Q->B, and C->F 57 58 ; Notice how this definition of the architecture is different than what we are used to. Instead of defining its behavior using keywords like , , and , we defined its structure by placing and components that we then connected together using signals (i.e. wires). If you compile this example program and simulate it, you will see the output shown in Fig. 2, which matches our expectations. Fig. 2: Simulation output of the entity . Notice how the signals and (the outputs from our two gates) can also be added to the wave display for easier analysis of our circuit’s behavior. 2 Shackleford
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