Milestone Three



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Dec 6, 2023





Uploaded by SargentFreedomHawk19

Milestone Three Simmons 1 Milestone Three Chelsea Simmons Southern New Hampshire University SCS-285-H7376 Research Literacy in Soc Sic David Powell November 25, 2023
Milestone Three Simmons 2 Milestone Three Qualitative Research Question - How is mental health described by law enforcement officers? Quantitative Research Question - What percentage of police officers at a big urban police department suffer from mental illness and use mental health services? Mixed-Methodology Research Question - How do the numerous strains that law enforcement officers are subjected to affect their ability to seek Mental Health Services both on- and off-duty, and are the reasons influenced by cultural norms and stigma? Examination of Questions While I feel a strong pull to each of these questions, the one that I would prefer to deep dive into and research would have to be my mixed-methodology research question; How does the numerous strains that law enforcement officers are subjected to affect their ability to seek mental health help both on- and off-duty, and are the reasons influenced by cultural norms and stigma? While this should be an easy question to answer there is so much more that surrounds this question that could be researched. I believe this research question can be tweaked and fixed, which in the end would make it a more well-rounded research question on the effects of mental health issues in law enforcement. I am currently approximately eight months away from obtaining my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and mental health among officers is something that doesn’t get talked about enough until it’s too late, in order to address my specific research questions, mixed-methodology research purposefully collects both quantitative and qualitative data while combining their respective advantages. This combined methodological research focuses on both quantitative and qualitative data, thereby guaranteeing all elements of the topic are explored in research ( Mixed Methods Research , n.d.). Using this type of research also helps reflect the types of questions
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