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Portland State University *

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May 17, 2024





Uploaded by DrWaterHawk21

8792 What is the Most Cost-Effective Salt to Make a Cold Pack? Section 1: Scientific concept and guiding question: During this lab, we sought to identify one salt compound from diverse possible candidates. By combining this compound with water, cold packs can be produced in large quantities at a low price. The guiding question of the investigation was: "What is the most cost-effective salt to make a cold pack?" The chosen salt compound must create a temperature change of 18°C when it reacts with water. During an endothermic reaction, heat energy is absorbed from its surroundings by the reaction system. An ice cube in the hands of a person is an example of an endothermic reaction. When the ice cube melts, the person feels colder since they have been absorbing heat from their hands. As a result of compound specific heat capacities related to how much enthalpy a compound has, different compounds can produce varying amounts of temperature changes, both exothermic and endothermic. A system's internal energy is represented by its enthalpy. The guiding question relates to these thermodynamic properties because they will be determined through experiment during a reaction. Section 2: Data Collection and Analysis The guiding question was answered by determining the temperature change when 1 gram of salt was dissolved in 60 mL of liquid water. A combination of these data and information about each salt's cost per kilogram and molar mass was used. As part of the investigation, data was collected using the following procedure: 1) Give each salt 1 gram, and fill 4 beakers with 60 mL, one for each salt. 2) Calculate the enthalpy using the mass of each salt, the volume of water in each beaker, and the initial temperature of the water. 3) Add a solution of salt and water to a coffee cup and cover it while measuring the temperature with a thermometer. 4) For each salt compound, repeat the process of recording the change in temperature after the reaction. Multiple precautions were taken in order to reduce the possibility of error. To get the most accurate reading, the thermometer was left to stabilize in the water for 5 minutes before beginning the reaction. A thermometer was placed at the beginning of the reaction. Temperature was measured until the temperature began to fall. The maximum temperature was recorded to confirm the reaction to completion then Data must be collected to calculate the cost per cold pack for each salt compound. The following example illustrates how to calculate:
Example^ Section 3: Data Argument: Salt Temperature Changes and Costs: Compound NH 4 Cl NH 4 NO 3 NaS 2 O 3 *5H 2 O MgSO 4 *7H 2 O TInitial( ) 23.1 22.0 24.0 23.1 TFinal (°C) 21.8 20.5 23.0 22.7 Δ T (°C) -1.3 -1.5 -0.9 -0.4 Volume of water (mL) 60. 58. 61. 61. Q water (J) -331.474 -369.93 -233.244 -103.76 Q soln (J) +331.474 +369.93 +233.244 +103.76 grams salt (g) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Cost/kg 17.73 29.6 57.9 25.3 Cost/IcePack $0.011 $0.012 $0.019 $0.025 Based on the data collected during this laboratory, ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is the most cost-effective salt on which to mass produce a cold pack. Ammonium chloride is not the most temperature sensitive compound when reacting with water compared to compounds such as ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3). However, when evaluated by its cost per kilogram, ammonium chloride was the least expensive. Based on this data, it appears that ammonium chloride is the most economical salt to use for making a cold pack. Since the data was collected carefully and
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