BIOD 171 final exam



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Jan 9, 2024





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BIOD 171 final exam Study online at 1. match each of the following or- ganelles with the correct description: 1. nucleus 2. endoplasmic reticulum 3. lysosomes 4. chloroplasts a. contains genetic content b. site of photosynthesis c. contains hydrolytic enzymes d. series of membrane-enclosed sacs and interconnected tubes nucleus--contains genetic content ER--series of membrane-enclosed sacs and interconnected tubes lysosomes--contains hydrolytic en- zymes chloroplasts--site of photosynthe- sis 2. briefly explain how a Scanning Elec- tron Microscope (SEM) forms an im- age of subcellular organelles, sub- strates, and viral particles an image is formed from the inter- actions of electrons as they reflect off (not through) the surface of the specimen. samplse are coated in either gold or palladium to enhance electron reflections. the reflection is seen in 3D rendering 3. match each of the following diseases to the correct bacterial family 1. scalded skin syndrome 2. bubonic plague 3. opthalmia neonatorium 4. legionnaires a. staphylococcus b. yersina pestis c. legionella d. staph aureus scalded skin syndrome--staph au- reus bubonic plague--yersina pestis opthalmia neonatorium--staphylo- coccus legionnaires--legionella 4. identify each of the following microor- ganisms as either prokaryote or eu- karyote 1. e. coli e. coli--prokaryote archaeons--prokaryote yeast--eukaryote amoeba--eukaryote 1 / 18
BIOD 171 final exam Study online at 2. archaeons 2. yeast 4. amoeba 5. match each of the following terms with the correct description 1. phototroph 2. lithotroph 3. autotroph 4. chemotroph a. utilize photons b. remove electrons from inorganic molecules c. obtain their source of carbon from inorganic materials d. acquire energy from already exist- ing chemicals found in environment phototroph--utilize photons of light to generate ATP from ADP lithotroph--remove electrons from inorganic molecules autotroph--obtain their source of carbon from inorganic materials chemotroph--acquire energy from already existing chemicals found in environment 6. the gram stain differentiates between bacteria based on the composition of their cell wall 7. left untreated, 3% of cases of strep- tococcal pharyngitis will progress to which of the following a. klebsiella pneumonia b. conjunctivitis c. laryngitis d. rheumatic fever rheumatic fever 8. describe two differences between DNA and RNA -RNA contains the sugar ribose while DNA contains the sugar de- oxyribose -RNA has single stranding with A-U and G-C while DNA has dou- ble stranding with A-T and G-C 2 / 18
BIOD 171 final exam Study online at 9. each of the following statements about glycolysis is true except a. reactants include glucose, NAD, and ATP b. 2 molecules of ATP are required as reactants c. net gain is 4 ATP d. products include pyruvate, NADH, ATP, and H+ net gain is 4 ATP 10. describe the main difference between lytic and temperate phages lytic phages replicate within host until it ruptures while tempera- ture/lysogenic phages primarily re- main in a non-replicative state with- in the host 11. bacteria that have a curved rod mor- phology are referred to as vibrio 12. what associated infection gave rise to quarantining and travel restrictions in 2003 SARS 13. match each type of agar plate to the corresponding general characteristic 1. multi-purpose media capable of growing a wide variety of microorgan- isms 2. aka lysogeny broth; it is a multi-pur- pose media capable of growing a wide variety of microorganisms 3. pale red in color and is both selec- tive and differential media. the pres- ence of crystal violet and bile salts in its formulation restricts gram+ bacte- rial growth 4. this agar is selective for gram+ bacteria and can differentiate between trypticase soy agar--multi-purpose media capable of growing a wide variety of microorganisms LB agar--aka lysogeny broth; it is a multi-purpose media capable of growing a wide variety of microor- ganisms macconkey agar--pale red in color and is both selective and differen- tial media. the presence of crys- tal violet and bile salts in its for- mulation restricts gram+ bacterial growth mannitol salt agar--this agar is se- lective for gram+ bacteria and can 3 / 18
BIOD 171 final exam Study online at members of the staphylococci family a. LB agar b. trypticase soy agar c. macconkey agar d. mannitol salt agar differentiate between members of the staphylococci family 14. true or false. if the statement is false, change it to make it true. proteins can function to catalyze bio- chemical processes and play a role in structure, but they cannot enable movement false, proteins can function to cat- alyze biological processes, play a role in structure, and CAN enable movement 15. match each type of microscopy with the correct description 1. the simplest form of light, or op- tical, microscopes. light, most often emitted from a standard halogen bulb, enters the microscope from the base and is reflected via mirrors towards the sample 2. use light in the form of UV spectrum 3. can provide detailed images of live cells without staining 4. use of beam electrons (rather than light) to increase its resolution capac- ity to less than 1nm--that's 200x 5. combines the usefulness of fluores- cence microscopy with the ability to visualize cells in 3D 6. this microscope reflects light off of the specimen at an angle rather than light passing through the specimen -bright field microscope--the sim- plest form of light, or optical, micro- scopes. light, most often emitted from a standard halogen bulb, en- ters the microscope from the base and is reflected via mirrors towards the sample -fluorescence microscope--use light in the form of UV spectrum -phase contrast microscope--can provide detailed images of live cells without staining -electron microscope--use of beam electrons (rather than light) to in- crease its resolution capacity to less than 1nm--that's 200x -confocal microscope--combines the usefulness of fluorescence mi- croscopy with the ability to visual- ize cells in 3D -dark field microscope--this micro- scope reflects light off of the spec- imen at an angle rather than light passing through the specimen 4 / 18
BIOD 171 final exam Study online at 16. which of the following reactions is an example of a hydrolase A + B -> A-B A-B + H2O -> A-OH + B-H A- + B -> A + B- Ab + C -> A + Cb A-B + H2O -> A-OH + B-H 17. identify the following disease based upon the physical manifestation anthrax 18. which of the following is/are true of Animalia (select all that apply) a. they can be unicellular or multicel- lular b. they are autotrophic c. they possess the ability to move d. humans are an example - they possess the ability to move - humans are an example 19. each of the following statements about measles, mumps, and rubella is true except a. infect CNS (central nervous sys- tem), leading to temporary or perma- nent paralysis b. spread via airborne particles while coughing, sneezing, etc c. caused by linear, single stranded enveloped RNA virus d. immunity provided by inoculation with a vaccine - infect CNS (central nervous sys- tem), leading to temporary or per- manent paralysis 20. true 5 / 18
BIOD 171 final exam Study online at true or false. if the statement is false, change it to make it true. the metabolism of a lipid-derived car- bon atom will yield more ATP that a molecule of glucose 21. giemsa staining is used to detect each of the following except a. neisseria gonorrhea b. histoplasma c. chlamydia trachomatis d. malaria neisseria gonorrhea 22. what STD is caused by gram-neg- ative, diplococci, fastidious bacteria that may result in cardiac and neuro- logical complications gonorrhea 23. which of the following are considered protista? select all that apply a. yeast b. algae c. bacteria d. amoeba -algae -amoeba 24. true or false: a defining characteristic of protista is the inability of colonies to form true 25. the function of the ribosome is (select all that apply) a. waste disposal via hydrolytic en- zymes b. to produce energy (ATP c. protein synthesis d. lipid synthesis -protein synthesis 6 / 18
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