Chapter 1 Review



Southeastern Oklahoma State University *

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Feb 20, 2024





Uploaded by PrivateBee4000

Chapter 1 Review/ homework Question 1 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the three main routes of entry by which agents can enter the body? Your Answer:   1) Inhalation 2) Ingestion 3) Absorption     Unanswered Question 2 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the three nontechnical guidelines to determine whether the work area has excessive noise? Your Answer: 1) If it is necessary to speak very loudly or shout directly into the ear of a person to be understood 2) If employees say that they have heard ringing noises in their ears at the end of the workday 3) IF employees complain that the sounds of speech or music seem muffled after leaving work, but that their hearing is fairly clear in the morning when they return to work.   Unanswered Question 3 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the primary health concerns with High or low pressure environments? Your Answer:   Barotrauma resulting from unequal distribution of pressure. Primarily decompression sickness, pressure in the ear, sinus and teeth, toxic effects from increase absorbtion of gases under pressure.   Unanswered Question 4 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the key elements to be considered when evaluating a health hazard? Your Answer:
  What is the route of entry of the chemical into the body? How much of the material must be in contact with a body cell and for how long to produce injury? What is the probability that the material will be absorbed or come in contact with body cells? What is the rate of generation of airborne contaminants?” What control measures are in place?   Unanswered Question 5 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the key components of an industrial hygiene program? Your Answer:   1) A written program/ policy statement 2) Hazard recognition procedure 3) Hazard evaluation 4) Exposure assessment 5) Hazard Control 6) Employee training 7) Employee involvement 8) Program evaluation and audit 9) Record Keeping   Unanswered Question 6 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the four environmental factors or stresses that can cause sickness, impaired health or significant discomfort in the workplace? Your Answer:   Chemical Physical Biological Ergonomic   Unanswered Question 7 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the factors that affect the degree of eye injury induced by Laser Light? Your Answer:   1) pupil size
2) ability of cornea and lens to focus the light on the retina 3) Distance from the source of energy to the retina 4) Energy and wavelength of the laser 5) Pigmentation of the eye of the subject 6) Location on the retina where the light is focused 7) Divergence of the laser light 8) Presence of scattering media in the light path   Unanswered Question 8 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the employee’s responsibilities under the OSHA act? Your Answer:   Each employee shall comply with occupational safety and health standards and all rules, regulations and orders issued pursuant to the Act which are applicable to his own actions and conduct.   Unanswered Question 9 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are the 16 sections in a GHS compliant Safety Data Sheet? Your Answer:   Unanswered Question 10 Not yet graded / 0 pts What are some limitations or problems with TLVs? Your Answer:   1) A small percentage of workers may experience discomfort form some substance at concentrations at or below the threshold limit. 2) A smaller percentage may be affect more seriously by aggravation of a preexisting condition or by development of an occupational al illness 3) Limits are not fine lines between safe and dangerous concentrations, nor are they a relative index of toxicity 4) Amount and quality of data for different substances is highly varied   Unanswered Question 11 Not yet graded / 0 pts Under the ABIH code of ethics Section II B.  What are rule with  regards to conflict of interest and appearance of impropriety? Your Answer:  
1. Disclose to clients or employer significant circumstances that could be construed as a conflict of interest or an appearance of impropriety. 2.  Avoid conduct that could cause a conflict of interest with a client , employer, employee or the public and does not influence or interfere with professional judgements. 3. Assure that a conflict of interest does not compromise legitimate interests of a client, employer, employee or the public and does not influence of interfere with professional judgements. 4. Refrain from offering or accepting significant payments, gifts or other forms of compensation or benefits in order to secure work or that are intended to influence professional judgement.   Unanswered Question 12 Not yet graded / 0 pts The severity  of a hazard in the use of organic solvents and other chemical depends on the which factors? Your Answer:   How the chemicals is used type of job operation which determines how the workers are exposed work pattern \duration of exposure operating temperature \exposed liquid surface ventilation rates evaporation rate of solvent pattern of airflow concentration of vapor in the work room air housekeeping   Unanswered Question 13 Not yet graded / 0 pts Respiratory hazards can be broken down into two main groups? Your Answer:   1) Oxygen deficiency 2) Air that contains harmful or toxic contaminations   Unanswered Question 14 Not yet graded / 0 pts Provide a brief description of physical hazards in the workplace. Your Answer:
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