HUM 102 Module Two Project Proposal Damien Romine



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Arts Humanities


Dec 6, 2023





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HUM 102 Module Two Project Proposal Template To complete this template, replace the bracketed text with your responses. Part One: Choose the Creative Works 1. Describe the two creative works . Feel free to elaborate, but make sure you include these three items: A. Your chosen topic (mental health, diversity, or activism) B. The names of the chosen creative works C. Why you chose those creative works For my project proposal, I chose the topic of mental health. My selected creative works for this topic are the performance work “Rock Bottom” by Eminem and the visual work “Inside Out.” I decided on these creative works as they portray my topic exceptionally well and are thorough. 2. Describe how the chosen creative works can be used to understand the topic. A. How do the different humanities subject areas (visual, literary, and performing arts) approach the topic? “Rock Bottom” is a song Eminem wrote for people who haven’t experienced the struggles of poverty and the fear of receiving an eviction notice. His mental health took a significant hit when he was fired from his low-paying job right before his daughter’s birthday. This song can be used to understand mental health through Eminem’s pain. He describes rock bottom as the willingness to perform immoral activities and being uncontrollably angry or sad. “Inside Out” is a film about a young girl, Riley, who has no choice but to move cross country with her family. The film focuses on her emotions as she struggles with mental health issues after having to start over and missing her old friends and school. Riley’s fight with her feelings personifies the emotions themselves to conceptualize mental health. Throughout the movie, Joy, the leader of the emotions, struggles to relinquish control to Sadness, who is conveyed to mess up anything she interacts with. Joy eventually learns that being sad is essential to life and has its benefits. The different humanities subject areas approach mental health in similar ways. Reading or watching something that portrays the topic of mental health helps people reflect on their mental health. Visual creative works express the artist's feelings and experiences. These creative works can also raise awareness regarding mental health and illnesses, helping to encourage conversation and relieve social stigmas. Visual art allows insight and displays to others how dealing with mental health issues affects people, promoting understanding and teaching empathy.
Literary creative works contribute to mental health with narrative experiences, allowing a more in-depth understanding of these struggles. These creative works are typically educational regarding this topic. They teach the audience the truth about mental health while discussing common misconceptions and dismissing myths. Literary works foster empathy by presenting characters that have mental health issues. Performing creative works also plays a substantial role in mental health. Storytelling about mental health helps to normalize these issues and reduces social stigma regarding the topic. Participation in the performance arts helps with self-esteem, allows people to express emotions, and strengthens mental health. References [Cite your chosen creative works in APA format. Include any references cited in your paper in full APA format as well.] Walt Disney Studios home entertainment. (2017). Inside out [Film]. Milano. [EminemMusic]. (2018, July 26). Rock Bottom [Video]. YouTube.
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