Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2_ Lab 4 Exam



Portage Learning *

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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by ChefDovePerson971

Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Lab 4 Exam Study online at https://quizlet.com/_8kmrw1 1. Which of the following is an afferent vessel? A. Pulmonary Artery B. Pulmonary Vein C. Ascending Aor- ta D. Inferior Vena Cava E. A&C Correct! F. B&D 2. These vessels are very large and need to withstand the greatest pressure from the surges of pumping blood. A. Correct! Con- ducting B. Distributing C. Resistance D. Metarterioles E. Capillary Beds F. Veins 3. Medium veins contain a unique feature called ____ that extend into the _____. They contain valves that extend into the lumen. 4. True or False: The venous drainage differs on the right and left sides of the body. True 5. Identify the vessel above (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow). Be specific in your answer. Thoracic Aorta 6. Identify the vessel above (highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow). Brachiocephalic Trunk (optional: Right) 1 / 4
Portage Learning Anatomy & Physiology 2: Lab 4 Exam Study online at https://quizlet.com/_8kmrw1 7. Identify the vessel above and trace the flow of blood from this vessel to the brain. (Highlighted in blue, also indicated by the arrow. All vessels must be included.) Left Subclavian Artery ’ Left Verte- bral ’ Basilar Artery’ Circle of Willis 8. Identify the artery above and name two vessels it supplies. Radial artery; Su- perficial palmar Arch & Deep pal- mar arch. 9. From the venous circulation indicated above, name two vessels where blood drains laterally. Laterally: Cephalic Vein & Radial Vein 2 / 4
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