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Apr 3, 2024





Uploaded by cwhit757

Week 4 Quiz- Neck, Trunk, and Pelvis Attempt Score 50 / 50 - 100 % Overall Grade (Highest Attempt) 50 / 50 - 100 % stion 1 2 / 2 po Which muscle originates on the transverse processes of the cervical vertebra and inserts on the first and second ribs? Question options: Sternocleidomastoid Scalene Splenius capitis Splenius cervicis on The bony landmark of the sacrum that makes up the lateral surface and articulates with the ilium is called the Question options: ala. auricular surface. superior articular process. pelvic surface. on The muscle that originates on the spinous processes of T3 through T6 and inserts on the transverse processes of C1 through C3 is the
Question options: scalene. sternocleidomastoid. splenius cervicis. clavicular portion of the pectoralis major. on The muscle of the cervical spine that is innervated by cranial nerve XI is the Question options: sternocleidomastoid. scalene. splenius capitis. splenius cervicis. on All of the following muscles, when contracted unilaterally, will produce lateral bend of the spine EXCEPT the Question options: intertransversarii. scalene. rectus abdominis. external oblique. on When you instruct a client in a "chin tuck" exercise, which of the following is occurring with the head muscles? Question options:
Head flexors and head extensors are being stretched. Head flexors and head extensors are being strengthened. Head flexors are being strengthened; head extensors are being stretched. Head flexors are being stretched; head extensors are being strengthened. on Which of the following is the best position to achieve eccentric strengthening of the trunk extensors? Question options: Supine, curl up with focus on the "up" part of the exercise Supine, curl up with focus on the "down" part of the exercise Prone, raise head and shoulders with focus on the "up" part of the exercise Prone, raise head and shoulders with focus on the "down" part of the exercise on The rotation of the pelvis when the left foot begins the swing phase in gait is Question options: anterior left rotation. posterior left rotation. Model Short Answer anterior right rotation. Model Short Answer posterior right rotation. anterior right rotation. posterior right rotation. on Which is the best position and instruction for a scoliosis client to strengthen lateral benders of the right side of the trunk? Question options:
Supine, laterally bend to right Prone, laterally bend to left Side-lying over an exercise ball, laterally bend to right Any of the above are equally effective. on The trunk muscle that originates on the pubis and inserts on the costal cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs is the Question options: external oblique. internal oblique. transverse abdominis. rectus abdominis. on The trunk muscle whose primary function is compression of abdominal contents is the Question options: rectus abdominis. internal oblique. external oblique. transverse abdominis. on The muscle groups activated when you have a patient do a supine posterior pelvic tilt are the Question options:
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