CJ 315 Module Two Practice Activity



Southern New Hampshire University *

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Feb 20, 2024





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CJ 315 Module Two Practice Activity Template Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Be sure to correctly cite any sources in APA format in the References section. Criminal Justice Professional Three Key Roles and Responsibilities Regarding Victims Potential Consequences to Victims of Not Meeting These Responsibilities Law Enforcement Receive emergency calls. Interview parties. Possibly make arrests. The status of a victim in a criminal incident can go from bad to worse if law enforcement does not take the emergency call, immediately respond to the incident, and not catch the suspect. By not responding immediately the suspect can disappear, and the victim will not find swift justice. Prosecution Effective guidance of court proceedings. Informing the victim of rights. Using evidence to seek justice for the victim. Most victims are not aware of what needs to happen after they were a victim of a crime. Prosecutors need to communicate effectively with the victim. They need to know their rights, and how to contribute to the justice system. If not, the victim will be clueless in the proceedings and ultimately not receive the justice they deserve. Defense Representation of the victim. Guiding the victim on the legal process. Ensuring justice for the victim When you are a victim and need someone to defend you in court. The attorney defending the victim must educate and inform the victim of everything they need to know to expect justice. If not, the victim can be left with the trauma and no closure to rely on. Judiciary Use of lawful discretion. Following court guidelines. Allowing the victim, a voice. Without a lawful and responsible judge. The victim may never receive the justice they seek. The judge needs to abide by the law, strongly consider the victims, and the crimes committed to set forth a reasonable punishment. If the evidence clearly shows the victim was assaulted. The victim expects the judge to convict the suspect. Probation Victim advocacy. Offender monitoring. Meetings with victims and offenders. If an offender is put under the supervision of a probation officer. The probation office is responsible for the safety of the victims, and the progress of the offender. Victims may fall prey to the same offender if the probation officer is not doing their job of monitoring and controlling the offender, as well as checking on the victim. Institutional Corrections House offenders. It is the responsibility of corrections to maintain the public safe
Criminal Justice Professional Three Key Roles and Responsibilities Regarding Victims Potential Consequences to Victims of Not Meeting These Responsibilities Provide treatment programs. Keeping offenders away from victims from violent offenders. Victims can find some relief from the trauma they experienced knowing that the offender is locked up behind bars. Corrections can also help the public by offering services to correct the behavior of the offender so that the offender does not commit the crime again. Parole Agencies Enforcing no-contact and/or protective orders. Providing information about safety concerns in a release plan. Referrals to community- or systems-based victim advocacy programs. Parole agencies can help the victim by keeping the offender behind bars if strict requirements are not met. This maintains the safety of the victim outside of the prison. If an offender is let out too soon, the offender could retaliate against the victim. It is crucial for the parole agency to exhaust all resources and maintain the safety of the vicitim. References C. (2019, November 14). What does a probation officer do? https://www.careerexplorer.com/careers/probation-officer/#:~:text=Probation%20officers %20typically%20do%20the%20following%3A%201%20Evaluate,offenders%208%20Investigate%20offender%27s%20history%20for%20the%20court Section 2: Community Corrections and Crime Victims | Working with Victims of Crime. (n.d.). https://info.nicic.gov/wwvc/node/6#:~:text=Post-Release%2C %20Community%20Supervision%2C%20Probation%20Revocation%20and%20Violation%20of,compensation%20programs%206%20Completing%20a %20victim%20impact%20statement Standards for the Prosecution Function. (n.d.). https://www.americanbar.org/groups/criminal_justice/standards/ProsecutionFunctionFourthEdition/#:~:text= %28i%29%20Consistent%20with%20any%20specific%20laws%20or%20rules,a%20disposition%20by%20plea%2C%20or%20to%20dismiss%20charges .
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