INFO215_ Social Aspects of Information Systems Assiment One



Drexel University *

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Jun 5, 2024





Uploaded by hansensmith22

INFO215: Social Aspects of Information Systems: Assignment 1 Revival of "The Selfish Ledger" Project Dear Mr.Google, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to provide my perspective on the concept video titled "The Selfish Ledger" and your interest in reviving the project. After watching the video and reflecting on its implications, I have some thoughts I'd like to share with you. Firstly, I want to define "sociotechnical" in the context of our discussion. I am under the impression that sociotechnical systems are the interaction between social and technical components that aid in creating different outcomes. Using social media algorithms for gathering information for consumers is one example of this. Despite the algorithms being technical components, algorithms can have a significant impact on perceptions, behaviors, and social relationships. Keeping this in mind there were several questions I had regarding this project and hopefully will keep in mind as this idea comes to fruition. Ethical Considerations are crucial in reviving "The Selfish Ledger": The strategic role of technology in a good society, as discussed by Brey (2018), emphasizes the importance of aligning technological advancements with societal values. One of those values being “Informational privacy: persons have control over who has access to personal information that pertains to them". This is something that I question about the Ledger as it seems in the proposal that it would be extremely difficult not to cross that line. Brey also states that “A fundamental characterization of a good society is given by defining the abstract qualities that a society ideally possesses”. He further defines the “abstract qualities” as values. As a country that heavily emphasizes privacy an project such as this would not align with the definition of a good society according to Brey. Additionally, it's also critical to understand that "The Selfish Ledger" focuses mostly on data collection and analysis in order to forecast and impact human behavior. Even though this method provides useful details, it's essential to move beyond simple data manipulation. The pathway from facts to wisdom is emphasized by Ackoff (1989), who highlights that genuine wisdom demands ethical judgment and long-term implications analysis. Furthermore, Ackoff's distinction between wisdom which "increases effectiveness" and intelligence which "increases efficiency" highlights how crucial it is to include ethical judgment into the endeavor. For this reason, wisdom must be an integral component of "The Selfish Ledger" in order for its results to be in line with society norms and enhance users' quality of life.
The idea that infrastructures are social and technological is essential to our project, "The Selfish Ledger." Our risk, like the electrical grid, is not only about technology but also about the relationship between technology and society. This involves taking a close look at maintenance and repairs, which are sometimes disregarded. We may better comprehend the social effect of our project and make better judgments by adding ideas for science and technology studies and disciplines like HCI, as explained in the essay "Infrastructural Speculations: Tactics for Designing and Interrogating Lifeworlds." We need to make certain that our project helps society by taking into account both the technical and social elements of infrastructures. In conclusion, sociotechnical viewpoints are essential for enhancing Google's concept for "The Selfish Ledger." In order to solve ethical issues, advance user welfare, and guarantee compatibility with society ideals, we can include concepts from Brey, Ackoff, Wong et al, and other pertinent literature. This strategy will improve the project's long-term viability, efficacy, and legitimacy. Thank you for considering my input on this matter. I am eager to discuss further and contribute to the development of ethical and socially responsible technologies at Google. Sincerely, Hansen Smith
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