
nvq 3 unit 31

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Unit 31 1.1 analyse how a range of factors can impact on individuals with sensory loss. A range of factors can impact individuals with sensory loss, such as blind or partly sighted individuals struggle to read peoples facial expressions, which are important for communication. Also not realizing someone is talking to an individual if they are walking past or stood behind them can be frustrating. Written communication can also be problematic for partly sighted individuals. Larger font may help overcome these issues. People who are hard of hearing can also become frustrated as they can’t hear day to day noises such as the doorbell, telephone ring or people talking to them directly. This may make them feel with drawn from others and lonely. …show more content…

Deaf-blind can also use a screen Braille communicator, a small portable device that enables them to communicate with sighted people. Alternate communication is print on palm, the person communicating with the deaf-blind person prints large block letters on the other persons hand. Each letter is written in the same location on the persons hand. This is a way for the deaf-blind to communicate with the public. 2.2 describe how the environment facilitates effective communication for people with sensory loss. The environment can affect people with sensory loss communicating because it is to noise and hard to concentrate e.g. hearing aids can pick up all noises if the LOOP in not in place. When trying to sign in a busy surrounding it could be hard to see the signers hands clearly. 2.3 explain how effective communication may have a positive impact on lives of individuals with sensory loss. Effective communication may have a positive impact on individuals lives as it will give them confidence. The more confidence they gain the more willing they will be to try new things. They will have more self-esteem and will be able to apply for work. Effective communication can give them a better social life, they will want to spend time with others and less likely to become withdrawn and depressed. 3.1 identify the main cause of sensory loss. The main causes of sensory loss in the eye sometimes the delicate cells of the macula become damaged and stop

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