
Zero Tolerance Policy Essay

Decent Essays

“Zero-tolerance policies punish all offenses severely, no matter how minor.” One’s first impulse may be to speculate that as a result of the policy, schools are safer. There is not however, any clear statistics that the schools are indeed safer. The first step in analyzing the zero-tolerance policy is determining how effective it actually is. The overall goal of the policy is clear – safer schools.

The federal zero-tolerance policy is vague which leaves much of the interpretation up to the individual schools. Many critics of the policy claim because of the lack of flexibility, it does not allow for a child’s age or past to be considered (i.e. disability). Proponents however, will argue that the policy has been associated to a decline “in …show more content…

This should be of dire concern to those analyzing the effectiveness, or fairness, of the zero-tolerance policy. In Tinker v. Des Moines , the petitioner was suspended from school for showing support of anti-war movements by wearing black armbands. The issue before the Supreme Court in Tinker was whether the petitioner’s rights under the First Amendment had been violated and also, whether the petitioner’s display of the armband, caused any disruption of any class or school function; the Court ruled that it had …show more content…

Administrators have responded to criticism by saying that they must treat all infractions the same way. This is not indicative of fairness, especially if a student who was caught with a pair of nail clippers was treated the same as a student who came to school with a firearm in their backpack. This is not to take away from the importance of taking a firm stand against violence. “To get a true picture of school violence, you must look at reported incidents, unreported incidents, and underreported

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