
Trojan War Tactics

Decent Essays

Analyse the effectiveness of the tactics used by both sides in the Trojan War. ____________________________________________________________

The Trojan war was a ten year siege on the city of the city of Troy at the hands of the Greek forces led by a psychopathic king, Agamemnon. This conflict, which took place about 1200 B.C has become one of the most well known Greek mythology events in history. In the 13th century B.C, Troy and Sparta had stopped their wars and become allies, this was until Paris the youngest prince of Troy seduced Helen, the Queen of Sparta and left with her back to Troy. When Menelaos (The King of Sparta) found out what had happened, he vowed …show more content…

The leaders would then come forward on their chariots and challenge each other to single combat. This was a common method of warfare. It allows for true heroes to be shown and depicts the power of the leaders.
The soldiers would enter the battle in chariots, launching javelins into the enemy formations, then dismount for hand-to-hand combat with more javelin throwing, rock throwing, and hand to hand sword and shield fighting. In the Iliad Homer also mentions the use of the phalanx formation being used by the Greeks. The phalanx is a rectangular mass military formation, usually composed entirely of heavy infantry armed with spears, pikes, or similar weapons . Scholars suggest that the Greeks would have used this tactic because the alignment of shields minimises the chances of projectiles hitting the men, and the men can move as one, strong unit.
In book 4 of Homer’s Iliad, a major battle in the war is described in detail. After the armies have gathered together all there available forces, they began to march towards each other. The Achaean forces moved forward towards the Trojans covering the horizon with the sight of eminent war. As the Greeks moved forward they unknowingly ventured into the range of the Trojan archers, who were some of the finest in the known world. As the Greeks were held back by the range of the Trojan archers, they were quickly losing men and morale so Agamemnon made the decision to withdraw from

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