
Workplace Harassment Analysis

Decent Essays

Management of people within an organization is a human resources management (HRM) duties. Along with hiring, training, managing wages and benefits, resolving disputes, communicating with all employees and so forth. Is a lot of duties that fall under HRM. There are legal issues that HRM can come across; the top three issues for me are harassment, discrimination and disability.

Unwelcome harassment based on the victim's protected status which can be weight, sex, age, color, race and so on is harassment. Harassment does not need to be sexual, and if it is sexual it can be from the same sex or opposite sex as well. Therefor when any of these claims of harassment are mentioned to HRM it is their duty to investigate and take action because the organization can be liable for harassment; which can bring legal issues when the case goes to court. Harassment is in the form of actions, behavior, communication and even jokes. Workplace harassment is unlawful overall.

Discrimination is what harassment can lead to and it happens when an employee is treated unfavorable due to their sex, color, age, disability and all other protected status (Belk,2011). We have civil rights along with the equal employment opportunity commission (EEOC) that protect us against discrimination; and employment …show more content…

The disabled are protected by the Americans with disability act therefor when an employer treats an employee less favorable because of their disability history (Doyle,2015). Now, the law requires for an employer to provide accommodation to an employee with disability (Belk,2011). Also the law protects people with a relationship with a person who has a disability, in other words if your wife or husband has a disability it is illegal for an employer to discriminate (Doyle,2015). There will be expenses and legal issues if an employer discriminates an employee with

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