
Women's Rights: The Taliban And The Pakistani Taliban

Decent Essays

Since the Taliban invaded the conditions of women have been unimaginable. During the 1960s, Afghanistan used one of the most forward thinking countries when it came to women’s rights. Women were allowed to wear whatever they want, they could go out in public alone without the fear of being attacked, education was a right not a struggle but most importantly they were treated equally to men.Since the Taliban involved in 1994 and became the government in 1996 women have been treated worse the vermin. Now women are forced to cover themselves head to toe, woman are banned from going outside and when they do a man, their husband has to go with them are else they will be publicly shamed, now they have to fight for a right to an education and are considered half of a man. …show more content…

People may argue that the fact both of them are developing first world countries is the reason for poor women’s rights but the Taliban is the cause they are developing countries. At least in Afghanistan as modern day Pakistan had only existed 60 years when the Taliban invaded. As I had mentioned earlier Afghanistan used to be a forward thinking country before the Taliban invited in 1994.
If they hadn’t invaded Afghanistan would have been on a the ‘top’ countries today. When they invaded the Taliban put Pakistan several years behind in technology, education and women’s rights. Since the rise of the ISIS, the counties with the power to stop the harassment of women in the two counties has paid no attention to the whatsoever.
I do understand that ISIS is one of the biggest threats to us at the moment. That does not mean we can ignore Afghanistan and Pakistan as their situation is still poor If the Afghan Taliban rise again the may join forces with ISIS. We as a human society do not want to live in a world where our biggest threats are ISIS and the

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