
Women's Rights In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Women’s Rights Women’s rights are a huge part in today’s Society. However during the Salem Witch Trials women did not have near as many rights as they do today. Women barely had a say in anything back then and were often forced to work and cook meals for the family. Today women have just as many right as men do. Forcing women to do certain work is wrong because some women are better at some things than other women are. The personalities of women can show what kind of work that they are more into. Three women from the crucible have complete different personalities. These women will show you how some of the ways were back when they did not have women’s rights. The three women that show these personalities are Abigail, Mary Warren, and Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail was John and Elizabeth Proctors house maid. Abigail shows in this book that she is not a very good person. John Proctor even says “It (Abigail) is a whore!” This shows that Abigail is a liar, cheater, and just an awful person. She falsely accuses people of witchcraft just so she can get what she wants. She is the leader of the group of the little girls …show more content…

She is the way that every person should live their life. She is known for always doing the right thing and never lying. The only time that she lies is to protect her own husband after he commits adultery. When she does this it shows that she cares about other more than herself because she is willing to put her own life down for someone else. Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft because she wants Elizabeth’s husband John all to herself. Elizabeth is than accused of witchcraft but is not hung because she becomes pregnant so they cannot harm the innocent child. Elizabeth is probably the most honest and loving person in the book. She always puts others before herself and is even willing to die for other innocent people. The only time that she ever lies is to save another innocent person’s

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