
Sports Science Personal Statement

Decent Essays

With performance analysts, sports scientists, and physiotherapists growing in demand, with the ever more focused objectives within the sporting world on achieving the best results possible, I am eager to study a subject that is continually flourishing in opportunities. With the margins between victory and defeat becoming ever more miniscule the necessity to find that two percent increase in speed or a set of practices to improve the task cohesion of a team is a demand placed on many managers and scientists. With an overwhelming amount of world records, this summer’s Olympics highlighted just how these scientists are continuing to push our athlete’s potentials further than ever thought possible. With the technology and understanding of the human anatomy advancing, it is an exciting time to be completing a degree in Sport Science and I look forward …show more content…

A Sports Science degree is of interest as it traditionally incorporates areas of exercise physiology and biochemistry alongside various optional modules allowing an individualised degree to be moulded around my particular interests. Studying biology has sparked my interest in the fundamental principles underlying exercise physiology in sport. Sports and exercise scientists work to develop athletes until they reach their maximal physical limits, being an athlete myself I can appreciate how important it is to also maintain health and prevent injury to avoid any regression in performance. On the other hand, studying both A2 Psychology and Physical Education has allowed me to consider how influential our psychological processes such as anxiety, arousal and motivation are in an athletes’ performance and wellbeing, I find interest in implementing this knowledge when playing netball and when in highly stressful situations such as exams as I understand how to cope in high pressure environments using stress management

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