
Why Dont We Listen Better?

Better Essays

In the book of “Why dont we listen better?” by James C. Peterson, he provides the readers with a strategic understanding of listening and how executing the skill can significantly impact your social life. While reading this book, I noticed a lot of repetition stated by Mr. Peterson, a method in which I found to be very interesting and helpful. Alongside of repetition, he also introduced various methods used to effectively communicate with each other separated into five sections. Part One: Options in Communicating, Part Two: The Talker-Listener Process, Part Three: The Listening Techniques, Part Four: Using the TLC in groups, and Part Five: Concluding Philosophy. Part One: Options in Communicating, ultimately introduced other readers as well as myself the key components of understanding how scientific theory of listening can play a vital role in listening and comprehension. This section was broken down into six subtopics. The intro, 1. Communicating became important to me, in which Mr. Peterson explains how his personal experiences as well as witnessing others, made it easier for him understand the concept of balancing with communication. Mr. Peterson also talks about the theory of behavior that can also significantly have a great deal of impact with communicating (Peterson, 2007, p15). Followed by Part One, I found a very keen interest with the next section. The most predominant and effective to reflect on and apply would be Part Two: “The Talker-Listener Process”.

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