
Why Do Students Should Not Have Homework

Decent Essays

Elementary School Students should not have the added responsibility of Homework Children should not have the responsibility of homework. Young students need time to develop their mind and social skills before being tasked so heavily with extra information. They also need more time to build a stronger relationship with their parents and family. Teachers will also benefit with the lack of homework given to children. These are a few reasons why students should not have homework. Elementary school students can become overwhelmed with the amount of work given to them. This could cause the child to suffer from frustration and exhaustion. Every child enjoys activities and if there is too much homework being put on them, then they will not have time to do the things that make them happy. A downfall to students not being able to do the things they love could result in them losing interest in school and their grades. It is actually stated that the amount of homework had no effect on the test scores that the students received and it only caused a …show more content…

However, the majority of families have two parents that work full time and if they are having to come home and help their younger ones with work that should only be done during school hours, then it is more stress added onto their day. The time it takes for a parent to have their child to do homework could range anywhere from one to two hours. The problem with that is that families tend to be on a set schedule after school and work. When they are set to a schedule some things tend to get cut like playing outside, family bonding time, and in some cases it could cause the child to get to bed at a later time. Lack of sleep not only effects the child, but it also pays a toll on the parents. Therefore, homework not only has a bad outcome on the students but their relationship with their parents and home

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