
Business Ethics: The Goldman Standard And Shades Of Gray

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What is up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray Introduction The problem to be investigated is the application of business ethics. In the business world, ethics are extremely important. Ethics are prime elements that help a business to grow and to become more productive. It is by applying proper business ethics that a business can operate in a moral or ethical business environment and managed to conduct all activities in a manner that maximizes profits while not compromising all other non-economic concerns(Schwab, 1996). Businesses have over the years failed to nurture business ethics in order to fulfill shareholders' interests and to have a culture that is oriented towards profit maximization and high performance(Jennings, 2012; Sims & Felton, 2006). This has led business to have gray areas in their activities. Gray areas are those situations or problems that do not fit exactly into any ethical analysis. These are the activities which may be represented to be immoral as a result of lying and false representations on the part of the business. Gray areas in Goldman's activities One of the activities that may be regarded to be in the gray area for Goldman is when the company created another company then bought 90% of the shares of the second company with its own money. Then without the knowledge of the public, Goldman wanted to buy a piece of the company. This meant that Goldman could sell the shares that they had bought in the company for a higher

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