
What Was Experimentally Wrong With The Ghostbusters

Decent Essays

1- What was experimentally wrong with the Ghostbusters ESP study (video link) at the end of your chapter one slideshow, and how could it be improved to meet scientific standards? In the Ghostbusters ESP study, the Dr. Peter Venkman was studying the effects of positive punishment on ESP ability using the man subject instead of the effects of negative reinforcement on ESP ability as he stated, which was experimentally wrong. This was demonstrated when the man subject guessed the right card and Dr. Venkman applied the electric shock anyway. If the doctor had removed the shock at that time, then he was really testing the negative reinforcement. Moreover, Dr. Venkman was lying to both of them to get his desired results and finally prove his theory, which is also experimentally erroneous. To meet the scientific standards, the study could be improved by avoiding lying and being neutral because favoring one of the subject (in this case the woman subject) can alter the final results. …show more content…

Be specific here! (“My independent variable would be…; My dependent variable would be…). If I was doing this study, my hypothesis would be that “people, who receive an aversive stimulus every time they give an incorrect answer, will try harder to get the correct answer than those who do not receive anything”. My independent variables, which are the variables that researcher manipulates, would be the electric shocks and the emotional motivation; and my dependent variable, which is the variable that is tested and measured, would be the members’ results. 3- How would you make it an experimental (rather than correlational) study (it might help to be specific here as well and define the two types of studies in your

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