
What Is Police Brutality?

Decent Essays

What is police brutality? This is a fundamental query that we all must answer before further dissecting this issue. It is the abuse of authority or the unjustifiable infliction of excess force by the police in the performance of their official duties. (Marilynn) The use of brutal force by the police is an activity that dates back many years. However, sustained campaigns by reformists and human right groups have led to the decline of the vice over the years. It is appalling to see the police regressing back into this old practice given the hard work that went into its eradication. More especially, the allegations of racial-motivated brutality are too derogatory to the significant leaps that have been made to achieve zero discrimination and racial prejudice. The partial application of the law by the police and brutality has reopened the wounds of slavery and the struggle for equality in the country. (Merle) Their lack of humanity and use of excessive force pokes holes on their nature of training.

Thesis: The police have been roundly criticized and demonized for the allegations of partial application of the law when handling crises. The allegations of excessive use of force especially when the black population is involved are well documented. However, has anyone ever stopped to acknowledge the many good deeds of these men and women in uniform? Are we a nation that so solely focuses on the few negatives while completely ignoring the majority positives? Do we ever ask ourselves

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