
What Is More Exciting And Exhilarating Than Falling

Decent Essays

What is more exciting and exhilarating than falling in love? Is there anything?

Sadly, though, many of us have learned that it is just as easy falling in love or out of love, and while finding love and affection is one of our greatest personal needs, why is it that so many fail to stay in love? Why? Anyone?

Falling in love can be the start of a loving relationship, but lasting relationships don’t just happen,they must be cultivated to grow. In many ways nurturing a relationship is like tending a garden. Neglect it,weeds will grow and it dies just because of doing nothing. Constant care and cultivation including the following ideas are needed to keep love alive and growing.

To be in love is being there(in presence). One of the chief …show more content…

Most behavior is caused or motivated. Once we understand this, we can be much more accepting and loving. For example, one father I know was having difficulty with one of his two children. One was the “perfect” child, the other constantly rebelling.

“Is one of your children a favorite?” I asked the father. With a tinge of embarrassment he admitted the “good” child was. “Do you think this could be the cause of your difficult son’s negative behavior?” I asked again. The answer was obvious.

We need to understand that much negative behavior in adults as well as children is caused by not feeling adequately loved, it is that simple. This may have its roots in present relationships or from unmet childhood needs. Either way, when people are acting negatively or yelling, they are hurting and, in a way, however inadecute it may appears,they are yelling for help. If we can see this and take the time to understand the real cause behind their behavior instead of taking it personally and yelling back, we can go a long way in strengthening our love relationships. Admittedly, this isn’t easy but we do need to work at it.

Love is also accepting responsibility. Most of us bring the excess baggage of unresolved issues from the past into our close relationships. For example, the man who didn’t get along with his mother and is still angry at her will inevitably take out his hostility on his wife and family. Or the woman who felt mistreated by her father or some other

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