
What Input Will Be Entered Into A Program : Program Analysis

Decent Essays

|What input will be entered into the program?
The data that will be entered into the program is staff name, the type of ticket the customer is buying and the film’s name the customer wants to watch. For example, Deadpool and Goosebumps
What are the choices in the program and what are the outcomes?
The choices I need make are that I need make sure the program has opening and closing messages and it needs include different prices because the prices are for individual person for example: An adult, a senior citizen and a child. To make it preferable Additionally, it should calculate the cost of the number of tickets purchased by the customer.

What calculations will be performed by the program. List and explain them in the table below. …show more content…

Prepare two sets of test data that you will use to check that the program is working by clearly identifying:
a) what you will input to the program
b) show clearly all the calculations
c) what results will be output from the program

2 adults
2 *10.30
4 children

8. Draw a JSP diagram for a basic version of the program (when it runs just once. You should indicate what choices need to be made)

Task 2
Programming libraries Programming library is a collection of non-violation resources used by computer program to develop software.
1. (-- removed HTML --)
The iostream is a library that allows the user to input and output in the program language.
Procedure is set of coded instruction that tells a computer how to run a program and calculation and performs a specific task.
In programming variables are used to store data or information within a program. The data can then be controlled in a computer program. For example, modified, stored or displayed. There are two types of variables global and local. The global variable is declared outside the function and can be used by everything whereas a local variable is set inside a function and only can be used inside a function.
Parameter passing
Parameter passing allows values to

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