
What Are The American Dream Goals

Decent Essays

Throughout the history of America everyone has had their wants and needs. Some people want to live freely. Others want a good government they can rely on. Most people have dreams and longings they are reaching for. The American Dream is a set of goals Americans want to achieve in their lifetime. The American Dream is goals that fellow Americans set for themselves. Americans try to reach for these goals by the end of their lifetime. For example, some people work really hard to try to achieve these goals in their lifetime. Some of these goals are to have a stable income or have a healthy family. The American Dream has changed as time progressed. Back in the very beginning of America the American Dream was to have independence and have freedom to express one's own religion. For example, in The Declaration of …show more content…

They want liberty and economic stability. For example, during this time period slavery was very significant and African Americans just wanted to be freed. It was also really hard to make money because there were not many jobs available. People could have worked for hours a day and still not make enough money to feed their huge families. The American Dream during this time period was mostly about one's own Liberty and to have a good family-life. Today the American Dream has a very broad meaning. Lots of different people dream for different things. Some people want to own a nice car and others want to have a family, but almost everyone in our society today wants a successful career. For example, everything our nation does while we are in our youth is to prepare us for our future jobs. We do things like attend school for thirteen years to prepare us for more schooling. The additional schooling is supposed to help us with our future jobs. In our society today people are not afraid to go through multiple careers to find the perfect one. This is the American Dream in today's

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