
Final Exam Essay

Decent Essays

As subjects and ideas are better understood they replace old outdated ideas that were only visually explained without a logical or scientific. Nutrition is one of these subjects that despite its large advancements is lagging behind in implementation. Ideas revolving around breakfast, the nutrition tree and number of meals per day are rather old and being followed simply because they have been done for so long. With new understandings of the metabolic processes of the body as well as research or prove new fact we are seeing that large problems such as obesity and diabetes can be easily preventable with proper nutrition.
A common idea presented to everyone at an early age is the importance of breakfast and that skipping it can have dire …show more content…

“In most healthy people morning awakening is associated with a burst of cortisol secretion: the cortisol awakening response” (Clow). This increases the metabolic activity to normal levels to prepare the body for the new day. For this reason most people will report that on days that they have breakfast and day that they don’t they will still get hungry at the same time for lunch. The hunger experienced early in the morning is also a form of conditioning that we have learned through years of eating at an early hour. Now while breakfast food is delicious it can be a rather caloric meal early in the day that sets the average person back in their net caloric intake. With the addition of lunch, dinner and other meals it is largely possible that people that do not exercise will go over their daily caloric necessity.
When discussing the word fat people can think of either fat in the body or fat in their foods. Due to excess body fat being a harmful people often associate fatty foods with a negative harmful idea as well. In the nutrition pyramid fats and oils are located in the top, indicating they should be had less, with carbohydrates being in the bottom indicating that they should be had more. This pyramid is in fact largely outdated and has been replaced with the food plate with proteins

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