
Was Roosevelt responsible for Pearl Harbour

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Was President Franklin D Roosevelt responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbour?

On December 7, 1941 the infamous bombing of Pearl Harbour by the Japanese took place, but who was really responsible? Many historians lay the blame with President Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR), citing his approach to the war as antagonistic and inciting a Japanese attack. This report however will highlight that the Japanese were the real antagonises, deliberately and purposely attacking the United States (US), United Kingdom and Holland, and Pearl Harbour was but a pawn in their war plan, thus alleviating FDR of the historical responsibility bequeathed to him over the last 70 years. The key elements within this review focus on Japan's Pacific War plans, FDR's …show more content…

They had also issued radar equipment able to detect planes up to 100 miles away, in darkness, storm or daylight and advised that war was imminent and reconnaissance should be undertaken. They had no idea the war had already begun and in 11 days time America would be on the forefront of a Japanese attack.

The notice for an attack would come via an intercepted transmission on December 6 to the Japanese Ambassador detailing a secretive 14 part message due to be transmitted and when advised, given to the American authorities. 13 parts were received and deciphered before midnight on December 6. Those 13 parts contained a history from Japan's perspective on what had happened in the war thus far and how they felt about it. Part 14, the most important part, was received by the decoders at 4am on December 7. By 10am they had deciphered and sent it to President Roosevelt. At 10.30am an addition to the message was received. It detailed that the message was to be handed over by the Ambassador at 1pm that afternoon. This also happened to be the time for the first attack however no location was given. Henry L Stimson the Former Secretary of War as recorded in What Happened at Pearl Harbour states the following regarding the MAGIC code:
"In very exceptional cases, they made no mention of their plans or movements to any of their embassies, so that, in these instances, there were no codes to decipher. The attack on Pearl Harbour was such a case" (Ford,

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