
Violent Video Games And Gun Violence

Decent Essays

Title: Violent Video Games and Gun Violence: A False Shepard
Violent Video Games and Gun Violence: Scapegoated

Thesis Statement: While they may cause aggression in some people, playing violent video games does not cause gun violence because other countries that consume more video games per capita have less gun violence, they are mentally beneficial, and the real causes are rooted elsewhere.

I. Other countries consume more video games per capita than the United States and they have significantly less firearm-related deaths a year.
A. The United States is an outlier when it comes to firearm-related deaths and video games.
1. “A look at global video game spending per capita in relation to gun death statistics reveals that gun deaths in …show more content…

B. Video games provide emotional benefits to their players.
1. “Academics have researched and documented flow-related experiences for decades, with many repeatedly linking it to a number of positive outcomes for adolescents, including academic improvements in high school, improved self-esteem, and decreased levels of anxiety” (Glynn).
2. One of the oldest and most validated theories suggests that gaming may be one of the most efficient and effective method that allows children and teens to improve their mood and increase their positive emotions (Granic et al).

III. Although violent video games get slack for gun violence, the real causes of gun violence lie elsewhere.
A. One factor that is apparent in most gun violence cases is poor mental health.
1. “Other researchers have challenged the association between violent video game use and school shootings, noting that most of the young perpetrators had personality traits, such as anger, psychosis, and aggression, that were apparent before the shootings and predisposed them to violence” (Harvard Health).
2. Ferguson (as cited in Rose) said that in a 2013 meeting with the CDC, the attendees were not allowed to talk about mental illness when it came to gun violence (Rose).
a) This goes to show that mental illness is not being talked about in relation to gun violence.
b) It also shows that people

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