
Variance Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The statistical analyses the authors used to analyze the data gathered during their study is difficult to understand, but one must imagine that it is intended to relieve the factors that make the study applicable to all. “Data analyses were carried out using variance analysis test with repetitive measurement and t-test for consistent samples” (Jamilian et al., 2014, p. 120-121). A quick look at these two things shows that they are meant to compare and contrast differences in the study participants. The variance analysis test looks like a way to explore test results according to age, type, size, or some other means of comparison to find results. The results of the study are what the study was created for, to learn if the treatment is worth pursuing or not. “Explosive angers, distress tolerance, and emotion regulation before and after interventions” are the three things that the test results were meant to insight (Jamilian et al., …show more content…

The training and skills taught in DBT therapy help people become more stabilized in their thoughts and actions as the feel accepted and included by others (Jamilian et al., 2014). It is exciting to know that there is something to help with these dreaded afflictions. “Lack of normalized tool to measure explosive angers, limited time, necessity of permanent monitoring, and gradual transfer of skills” were limiting factors as well as only using one sex for the study (Jamilian et al., 2014). Overall DBT is an effective treatment in soothing anger and dealing with impulsive behaviors. “The patients that received dialectical behavior therapy were more successful in regulating and controlling their emotions and reported less anger and anxiety” (Jamilian et al., 2014, p. 120). The study appears to have been time well spent, and gives hope for those who cannot control these issues on their

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