
Types, Shadows, Christophanies Essay

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OT310: Genesis Term Paper Assignment


Jia Hao Low

The book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible in chronological order. It is part of the Pentateuch written and compiled mostly by Moses. It is also often referred to as the Torah.

The word Genesis is a Greek word, which means Origin.

The Hebrew word of the word, Genesis (Raysheeth) means Beginning.

The purpose of Genesis is simply to record the handiwork of God. This is the foundational book for all books in the Bible, as most stories in the Bible can be traced back to this book.

The book of Genesis has 2 major divisions.

4 major events (Chapter 1 – 11)

4 major people …show more content…


Another example of a “Type” of Christ is the biblical person, Isaac.

He was the Promised Son, which was formed in a supernatural way from the barren womb of Sarah.
Jesus was born of a virgin birth, in a supernatural way.

Isaac was considered “dead” to Abraham when he began the 3 days journey to the place of sacrifice.
Jesus was in a borrowed tomb for 3 days.

Isaac was “raised” from the dead when God asked Abraham to stopped the act, upon seeing his faith. Jesus himself was also raised from the grave after the cross. Both Isaac and Jesus offered their lives up willingly for Abraham and God the Father respectively as a sacrifice.

Because of all these examples, Isaac can be considered as a “Type” of Christ.


An example of a contrasting “Type” of Christ will be Adam.

Through the side of Adam, Eve was formed. (Physical Life)
Through the side of Christ, all man receives salvation. (Spiritual Life).

Adam representing Mankind was giving dominion over Earth,
Christ after resurrection was elevated to God’s right hand.

Adam experienced the judgment of God—he ultimately died and his body turned to dust.
Christ experienced the judgment of God through death on the cross, but he didn’t stay dead, for he rose again.

The first Adam failed the test, and in doing so involved all humanity in his defeat, dragging the human race down with him As a result, in Adam we all

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