
Camden Joy By Tom Adelman

Decent Essays

Names are important to us, as we grow up, our names and our personalities become intertwined, they are how people identify us. So when we adopt a new name, even for a brief period of time, we allow ourselves to essentially become a new person: we can change what we didn’t like about our old selves, and assume new characteristics that we admire in others. For some, it is freeing to embrace a new name, but for others it is comforting to go back to their old one. For Tom Adelman, adopting the name of Camden Joy allowed him to adopt an entirely new personality, one that opened up new career opportunities. And this Camden Joy that Adelman has created isn’t merely a name, he is a completely different person with his own thoughts and motives. Camden Joy is somewhat is smart aleck and the name Camden Joy is an oxymoron, as Tom was looking for the “darkest, most depressing American city,” when the people in Trenton told him to go to Camden, New Jersey. This new alias allowed Tom to experiment with his writings and gave him the freedom “to say whatever he wanted, to be whoever he wanted.” …show more content…

In order to escape the cyclops Polyphemus, Odysseus gives him the name ‘Nobody.’ So when he stabs a redhot stake into Polyphemus’ eye and the other cyclops ask what’s wrong, Polyphemus replies, “Nobody, friends… Nobody’s killing me now by fraud and not by force!”, so the other cyclops simply ignore him. But as Odysseus and his men are making their escape, Odysseus cannot resist the urge to tell Polyphemus that it was Odysseus, not Nobody, who blinded him. And Odysseus comes to regret this act of pride and arrogance, as Polyphemus calls upon his father Poseidon to curse Odysseus and see to it that his journey back home is long, painful, and

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