
Threat Of New Entrants : Low

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Threat of New Entrants: Low
The barrier to enter Biotechnology industry is high. The first barrier is the extensive requirements in funding coming from heavy expenditures in R&D, along with the risk of little to no returns or even heavy losses if the drug fails to reach the market. Regulatory environment partly contributes to the barrier as the new drug approval process can be time-consuming with relatively 89% of failure to pass through. The second barrier is specialization. Companies with knowledge in obscure diseases will enjoy low threat of new entrant for there are few experts in the field.
Power of Suppliers: Low
Biotech companies’ values are primarily driven by intellectual property, they do not need to rely much on their suppliers. These companies also have relatively easy access to sources of raw materials (such as chemicals), scientific tools, computers and testing equipment.
Power of Buyers: Moderate (depends on industry area)
The power of buyers in the industry varies at different levels depending on the field. For pharmaceutical drug companies, which have thousands of patients, customers have lower price sensitivity as they are rarely able to refuse the treatments they need and they have low bargaining leverage due to commonly lack of information as well as knowledge on the drugs. For biotech firms that distribute specialized products to the government and hospitals, their customers actually have more of a bargaining power due to being the sole consumer sources

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