

Decent Essays

This chapter contains the rationale, Objective of the Study, Scope of Limitation, Significance of the Study, and some definition of Terms.

Rationale: Electronic Voting for Global Vote for Rights by Children International – Tabaco is joining at the World Children’s Prize. It is an education program for all children. Their goal is to become more humane world, where children’s rights are respected by all. And there will be a new way of voting and to make voting process faster and easier. More than 2000 youth ages 12 – 18 yrs. Old are going to vote, first they will have their registration of the participant, next followed by voting process by Electronic Voting, in this way we are going to minimize and lessen the …show more content…

We conclude that this voting system is unsuitable for use in a general election. Any paperless electronic voting system might suffer similar flaws, despite any “certification” it could have otherwise received. We suggest that the best solutions are voting systems having a “voter-verifiable audit trail,” where a computerized voting system might print a paper ballot that can be read and verified by the voter.
ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS. There have been several studies on using computer technologies to improve elections. These studies caution against the risks of moving too quickly to adopt electronic voting machines because of the software engineering challenges, insider threats, network vulnerabilities, and the challenges of auditing.

As a result of the Florida 2000 presidential election, the inadequacies of widely-used punch card voting systems have become well understood by the general population. Despite the opposition of computer scientists, this has led to increasingly widespread adoption of “direct recording electronic” (DRE) voting systems. DRE systems, generally speaking, completely eliminate paper ballots from the voting process. As with traditional elections, voters go to their home precinct and prove that they are allowed to vote there, perhaps by presenting an ID card, although some states allow voters to cast votes without any identification at all. After this, the voter is typically given a PIN, a smartcard, or some other token

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