
Theories on the Existence of God

Good Essays

There are many groups of people that have differing views on God. Does he exist? Does

he not exist? These questions can be argued with countless theories as to why he does exist and

how there is no way that he does not exist or he does not exist and there is no way that he does

exist. Theists would argue that God does exist and there is good reason to think that he exists.

Agnostics, Atheists, and Fideists, on the other hand would argue that there is no good reason to

think that God exists. For some people they have no doubt that God exists. They are convinced

by experiences, theories, or just their faith alone, that God exists while others are not so easily

convinced on the existence of a perfect being that creates …show more content…

Natural evil includes physical and metal suffering of animals and people.

Swinburne feels that both moral evil and natural evil are necessities for the world's good,

everyone can learn and grow from them. “Why God Allows Evil” also suggests that the good in

the world has to be balanced by the evil. In order to have good, there has to be some evil. This

statement carries some weight because whenever tragic events happen there is usually some

good that comes from it. For example, when the Boston Marathon Bombing took place, the city

of Boston came together to offer support for the victims and anyone involved. Swinburne

suggests that God would give us responsibility for ourselves, each other, and the world, and he

gave us free will to allow us to create and determine what sort of world we want to live in. There

are some people that believe that there is no such thing an unnecessary suffering. They believe

that suffering is a necessity of humans having free will and that free will is a good thing for

people to have and we benefit from it as a whole in our society. Suffering is necessary to build

character and develop compassion or empathy. In the argument of free will, humans must be

given the choice to do evil things and to cause suffering. Some people believe that to some

extent, how we suffer is a result of the attitudes we freely choose. Everyone reacts to situations

differently and people grieve in different ways. Some people that

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