
Their Eyes Were Watching God Chapter 1 Summary

Decent Essays

Chapter 10
• People are on Pheoby Watson’s porch
• A woman on the porch talks about the woman in the overalls
• The ladies on the porch gossip about how she married a young man and about why they’re not together, they assume that the man took her money and found someone younger
• Pheoby stands up for the woman in the overalls, Janie, and proceeds to bring Janie a meal
• Pheoby arrives at Janie’s house and they talk
• Janie tells Pheoby that Tea Cake is gone and she returned because she was no longer happy living with Tea Cake
• Janie begins telling Pheoby the full story
Chapter 2
• Janie never met her parents, she grew up with Nanny (her grandmother)
• Janie and Nanny lived with white people
• Janie believed she was like the white people
• Janie …show more content…

Chapter 4
• Janie is unappreciated in her marriage
• Logan wants Janie to chop wood and plant potatoes while he goes and buys a mule
• Janie meets a man while she is getting water
• The man asks her for a drink
• The man is known as Joe Starks and he is from Georgia
• Joe and Janie begin to talk and soon Joe wants Janie to run away with him
• Logan and Janie argue which makes Janie decide to run away with Joe
• Joe and Janie leave to Green Cove Springs where they’re married
Chapter 5
• Joe treats Janie better than Logan ever had
• Janie and Joe go to a town that was lower than their expectations
• Amos hicks pretends to be the mayor but eventually tells the truth
• Joe and Janie stay at a house
• People are jealous of Joe because he has Janie
• The town is Eatonville
• Joe goes to see Captain Eaton who had the land
• Hicks tries to get Janie’s attention but she stays faithful to Joe
• Coker and Hick talk and Hick claims Janie isn’t a real price
• Joe bought land from Captain Eaton and is planning on expanding the town by buying a store and a post office
• Hicks doesn’t think Joe can do what he says he can but Coker does
• Joe wants to find a sawmill so that he can start building
• After a town meeting Joe hires some workers to help build on his new

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