
The Verbermockle Murder

Decent Essays

The Cold-Blooded Murder of Mr. Verbermockle

54.3 percent of murder victims were killed by someone they knew (acquaintance, neighbor, friend, boyfriend, etc.), 24.8 percent were killed by a family member. The evidence shows that this is logically the case in the Verbermockle murder mystery. After allegedly finding Mrs. Verbermockle’s husband unconscious on the bathroom floor, Mrs. Verbermockle calls her family doctor. Mrs. Verbermockle claimed that he must have slipped on a bar of soap, and she did not touch him. When the doctor arrived, he announced Mr. Verbermockle dead from a fracture to the rear of the skull caused from blunt force. However, if the FBI statistics are correct, then it is likely that Mrs. Verbermockle is the killer. Although …show more content…

In an emergency, most people call 911 so that police and paramedics can arrive quickly. However, Mrs. V called her family doctor who would have arrived to late to save him. Thus showing that she was not too worried about her husband’s “accident.” Unless she was trying to set up the crime scene, then she would have used that time while the doctor was arriving. In addition, Mrs. V said that she “threw a blanket over him,” and that he was “lying unconscious,” but you only cover a blanket over a dead body or corpse. Thus implying that she knew that he was already dead, and not unconscious. It is also good to mention that she “didn’t touch the body.” However, a loving wife would have tried to wake him or do something to help him. That would be most people’s first reaction after finding a loved one …show more content…

Verbermockle suffered blunt force head trauma. Knowing that he was killed using blunt force head trauma, either the weapon or the body would have made a loud noise from impact. Mrs. V would have been able to hear this loud bang in her own home. Any normal person would have rushed to the scene immediately after hearing the noise, especially if the impact was tough enough to cause “a fracture in the rear of his skull,” as the doctor had mentioned. In addition, Mr. V’s body seems to be in front of the sink, implying that he was in front of the mirror at the time of the impact. Anyone would have been able to react if they saw someone behind them in the mirror. However, his body is placed as if he hadn’t moved a muscle. Though if he saw his wife behind him, he wouldn’t have had any worry of suspicion of an intruder. Most importantly, next to the body is a broken bottle of cologne or mouthwash that could have been used as the murder weapon. At the murder scene you can see that the victim has some type of liquid come from the back of his head, where he was hit at. The bottle was used to hit Mr. V in the back of the head causing a fracture in his skull while splashing the liquid on him at the same time. Unless the liquid coming from his head was blood, then bottle didn’t splash on him during the attack. We also know that the attack would have to be fast and swift, as the body seems that he hadn’t moved from the shower. Thus

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