
The Three Types Of Culpable Homicide And Durkheim 's Theory Of Homicide

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The universal mentality when it comes to defining homicide is similar in the way that homicide occurs when one human being kills another human being. There are a variety of subtypes of homicide, which include murder, manslaughter, euthanasia justifiable homicide, killing in war and execution, depending on the circumstances of the death. These different types of homicides are often treated very differently in today’s societies; some are considered crimes, while others are permitted or even ordered by the courts. A highly controversial issue is whether abortion is considered to be homicide and whether the fetus is considered a human being entitled to rights. This paper will discuss the various interpretations of homicide, the three types of culpable homicide and Durkheim’s theory of homicide.
Interpretations of homicide
Society today is comprised of many different races, ethnicities and minds that think differently and similarly on various topics. The interpretation of homicide is a topic that may be considered to be a universally accepted social more. A common misconception of homicide is that it is used similarly to murder but homicide is general in scope than murder. Murder is a form of homicide that constitutes a criminal act. There are also other forms of homicide that do not comprise of criminal acts. Homicides of this nature are regarded as justifiable or excusable. An example of a justifiable homicide is when an individual is in peril they may out of self-defence

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