
The Rights Of African Americans

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The emancipation proclamation was what seemed like the beginning of freedom for African Americans. African Americans fought hard and valiantly in the American Civil war and with the Unions win freedom and peace for blacks seemed to be assured. As most people would quote," Freedom isn 't free." It almost always has a cost. Africans Americans since the origin of this country have literally laid down their lives for the cost of freedom and opportunity in the US. One of the most coveted freedom 's both past and present is the right to suffrage. My paper discusses the many factors leading to and the trials and tribulations involving black 's right to vote. In this paper, I will discuss the constitutional amendments as well as the landmark supreme court cases that affected both the lives and voting rights of African Americans during the time period of 1865 through 1900. The Emancipation Proclamation only outlawed slavery in rebellious states. After the Civil war, there was a need to pass legislation that abolished slavery and well as make African Americans citizens endowed with civil liberties. What would be called the "Civil War," or the "Reconstruction" amendments were created to solve this issue. The Civil war amendments sponsors were Charles Sumner a senator of Massachusetts a well know abolitionist and crusader of civil rights, Lyman Trumbull who had served as both a Democrat and a Republican for the state of Illinois and John Henderson a senator Missouri who later served on

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