
The Pros And Cons Of Overcrowded Prisons

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The majority of US prisons are overcrowded. Criminals are going in and coming out with half a mind intact. As shown in the film, 13th, we see that US prisons are overcrowded with twenty five percent of the worlds prison population. That would be one in four Americans behind bars. Each decade these numbers steadily increase. With problems like this, it is important to go back to find the main source. To the origins of the thirteenth amendment. In the Constitution of Independence, the thirteenth amendment states that: "Neither Slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime; whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." (13th amendment, section 1.)
As one can see plainly, there is a small loop hole within this amendment. When the thirteenth amendment was declared law, the loop hole was immediately exploited by corrupt officials. African Americans were imprisoned for minor crimes. Including some but not limited to; loitering, and vagrancy. This was our nation's first prison build and just the beginning of our prison growth. The war on drugs is another contributor to the growth of our prisons. President Richard Nixon started the idea of drug abuse being a criminal offence. However, it was President Ronald Reagan who took that idea and …show more content…

Real criminals should go to jail for only used as a "time out". Then the criminals need to get slapped with the best after jail program. Better yet would be a "Citizen 101 School" where they can learn how to work and behave in the real world. People who are accused of a crime should go to a special protection program similar to witness protection program. Putting more money and effort in the after jail programs will help the US prison population to shrink down. In addition it will create more jobs for our

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