
The Pillar Of Religion Forms

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The pillar of religion forms one of the essential cornerstones of societal living that provides doctrines and guiding principles about how people should live and interact. The command of virtually all religions is often inclined on the preservation of peace so that every human being can live amicably next to their neighbor. The message of peace is often preached during the eruption of wars and conflicts where the existence of this virtue is nearly negligible. The numerous religions that exist globally refer to the scriptures that justify the maintenance of peace in a situation where fights and battles are experienced. This paper discusses the importance of religious values when it comes to the subject of war and peace.
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Religions such as Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam are totally against killing an innocent human being, murdering them, or even subjecting them to torturous conditions that can eventually lead to their death. It is only exceptional and rare cases where the use of force to kill is justified, and this is one in a very specified circumstance.
The process of carrying out a comparative view of different scriptures of the various religions when it comes to the topic of war demonstrates that there is one central rule that applies when it comes to killing and the repercussions that comes with it. For instance, the followers of the Buddhist religion firmly believe that people who participate in war or any form of violence often end up trembling because life is sacred and it is supposed to be revered by every individual. This teaching is well stated in the book of Dhammapada, which explains that, “A person should put themselves in the shoes of their other counterpart, so that they can understand that killing is in total violation of the law” (Hogan 957). Furthermore, these scriptures clarify the fact that a person should not compel another individual to take part in an activity that will end up killing and taking away innocent lives.
The same concept is elaborated in the Christian scriptures that hold a lot of disregard

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