
The, Pakistan, And Pakistan Essay

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Manzoor et al (2013) reported that Pir Lisura N. Park, AJK, Pakistan area has 159 species of vascular plants, belonging to 83 different families which includes 48 species of trees, 38 shrubs, 61 herbs, 7 grasses, 1 epiphyte and 4 ferns. Among trees 2 species of gymnosperms which are widely distributed on all mountain slopes and most frequently exploited for timber. Other 46 tree species are angiosperms which occur in selected patches of favourable habitat, mostly associated with human settlements and agricultural fields.

Malik et al. (2009) recognized on the whole13 plant communities with a total of 77 species in Pir Chinasi Hills of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It appeared that Ficus-Lepedium-Chenopodium community might be the remnant of the original temperate forest. The associated woody species were Acacia, Diospyrus, Aesculus, Morus , Pyrus , Berberis , Indigofera, Rubus and Zanthoxylum.

Ajaib et al (2010) conducted a study on useful shrubs of district Kotli, Azad J & K, Pakistan and made to record 38 species of 36 genera belonging to 25 families found useful in everyday life of local inhabitants as medicinal, fuel, shelter and fodder/forage and in making agricultural tools. Most of the shrubs were noticed having more than one ethnobotanical use. Family Rhamnaceae was recorded unique among all the families in having comparatively the highest number of species.
Kiran et al (2000) concentrated on Fodder trees and shrubs of Jammu and Kashmir, India which is a hilly state

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