
The Obligations That Employers Have Under Current Legislation

Decent Essays

Both these voluntary clauses identify in brief form the obligations that employers have under current legislation. They can often be helpful, particularly when used in conjunction with a clause outlining the obligations of employees, in establishing the commitment of both parties to a successful relationship. Wages: When you hire your first employees, you have some responsibilities to that employee, and to all future employees, relating to compensation. These responsibilities are codified under federal laws: You must pay at least the minimum wage (unless the employee receives tips or is somehow not subject to minimum wage. the wages of the department assistant is $14.75 per hour. They review it and increase it every year. The managers has yearly package. Holidays: New world is open on public holidays except Christmas Eve. Leave: after 3 months of trial period the annual leave hours start adding for someone who works at New world away according to their contract they signed. Hours of work and shifts: the standard full time contract has 45 hours contract with 9 hours 5 days and 2 day offs. As Countdown is always busy they need staff for over time and they give 1 and half pay if they work over 45 hours. The part timers usually have 2 shifts of 10 hours a day. New world takes health and safety very serious as the work at New world involves heavy lifting and cutting so with the contract every employee fill out the ACC form too. So in case of any injury the employees can take

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