
The Main Stages Of Second Language Development Essay

Decent Essays

Cummins (1981) states that there are two main stages to second language development.
BICS is Basic Interpersonal communication skills, they are language skills which are needed in a daily basis to interact socially with others. BICS is basic interpersonal communication skills. It is the most basic form of communication and relies on gestures, facial expressions and body language to enhance or support the meaning of words (Brown-Chidsey and Bickford, 2015). BICS can take between 2 and 4 years to achieve. These skills are the ones which are the most essential to daily survival, such as, knowing how to locate the bathroom in another language is an example of BICS. BICS are skills that ELL 's need in order to get through each day in a second language.


As (Lyman, 2016) suggests that CALP, Cognitive academic language proficiency is referred to as formal academic learning, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing about subject area content material. It is more conceptual, academic form of language and follows BICS. Students may initially appear fully proficient and fluent, while still struggling with significant language gaps. This level of language learning is essential for students to succeed in school. Students need time and support to become proficient in academic areas (Banks and banks 2009). This usually takes from four to seven years. Recent research from (Thomas and Collier, 1995) has shown that if a child has no prior schooling or has no

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